A Year with Frog and Toad, TYA

A Year with Frog and Toad TYA, written by Robert and Willie Reale and based on the books by Arnold Lobel, follows a year in the life of best friends Frog and Toad. Frog and Toad plant gardens, go swimming, bake cookies and go on adventures with the other creatures living by the pond they call home.


A message from the president

It is with very heavy hearts that the Carousel Theatre of Indianola executive board announces the cancellation of this summer’s production of A Year with Frog and Toad, TYA. In making this decision, the board had the health of all of the cast and crew as well as that of the audience in mind. We also strive to present the best possible performance, and we did not feel that we would have enough time to mount the quality production that you have all come to expect from CTI.

At this time we are still hoping to host the Missoula Children’s Theatre in late June, but of course that may change. At this time, no other future productions are affected.

Please stay safe and well, and please be a part of CTI, whether as a participant, audience member, or sponsor. We can’t make the theatre we all love without your support!

Randy Stone
Carousel Theatre of Indianola

Production Team

Director: DC Felton
Assistant Director: Erika Eckley
Music Director: Alex Lindsley
Stage Manager: Haylee Rauzi
Choreographer: Molly Larche
Scenic Design: Calvin Johnson
Lighting Design: Shawn Jensen