Disney’s Beauty and the Beast

Disney’s classic movie, Beauty and the Beast, comes to life once again on the stage. Following the story of Belle and her dreams of finding adventure outside of her provincial town and the Beast and his quest to find someone to love and have love him in return.

Dates and Location

July 14, 15, 16, 21, 22 and 23 2017

Indianola High School Auditorium

1304 E 1st Ave, Indianola, IA 50125

Cast List

Belle: Andra Peeler
Beast: Michael Howland
Gaston: Calvin Johnson
Lefou: Alex Lindsley
Maurice: Todd Klocke
Monsieur D’Arque: Matthew Kerns
Cogsworth/Narrator: Chris Williams
Lumiere: Joe Cerwinske
Babette: Courtney Miller
Mrs. Potts: Karin Hooper
Chip: Brady Meyers
Madame la Grand Bouche: Beth Coffey

Young Prince: Jack Ray
Old Beggar Woman/Enchantress: Emma Norman
Baker/Crony: Casey Kociolek
Bookseller/Crony: Greg DiMarco
Crony: Avery Lauer
Silly Girl: Paige Wilkinson
Silly Girl: Mariah Anderson
Silly Girl: Emily Coffey

Beth Hansen
Eliza Hollingsworth
Lindsey Wildman
Megan Lindsley
Kaylee May
Maren Wilkinson
Grace Powell
Audra Wilkinson
Emma Norman
Jack Ray
Hayley Rauzi
Samantha Aust
Kindness Cummins
Harmony Cummins
Dominic Wadle
Meghan Hunderosse
Calyn Hunderosse
Norah Leuwerke
Hannah Kociolek
Joviee Wilson
Olivia Comer
Carter Leuwerke

Production Team

Director: DC Felton
Assistant Director: David Dubczak
Music Director: Lynnea Young
Assistant Music Director: Beth Hansen
Scenic Design: Brandi Ann Wilson
Lighting Design: Shawn Jensen
Orchestra Director: Gavin Gallegos
Sound Design: Gabe Boothman
Stage Manager: Emma Aldrich
Assistant Stage Manager: Jack Lauer