Based on the novel by Ken Kesey, Once Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest tells the story of Randle Patrick McMurphy, a rebellious prisoner, after he has been transferred to a state mental hospital for evaluation. Once there, his conflict with Nurse Ratched, the iron-fisted and inflexible nurse in charge of the psychiatric ward, begins to affect those around them. Winning over his fellow patients, McMurphy helps them in facing their individual struggles, all while suffering from his own.
March 14, 15, 16 and 17 2019
Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Innovations
117 E Salem Ave, Indianola, IA 50125
McMurphy: Chris Williams
Nurse Ratched: Deb Hade
Chief Bromden: Mark Cory
Aide Williams: Micheal Banks
Aide Warren: David Dubczak
Nurse Flinn: Jayde Carpenter
Dale Harding: Joel Hade
Billy Babbitt: David Felton
Cheswick: Steve Hickle
Scanlon: Todd Klocke
Martini: Randy Stone
Ruckley: Stephe Larche
Dr. Spivey: Tim Eckley
Aide Turckle: Mike Martin
Candy: Emma Norman
Sandra: Molly Larche
Director: Mickie Larche
Assistant Director: Joel Hade
Master Carpenter: Jim Lindsley
Scenic Design: Joel Hade
Lighting Design: Shawn Jensen
Sound Design: David Dubczak